Donald Trump sues CNN for defamation, seeks $475M in damages

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New York – Trump sued CNN for defamation, asking for $475 million in punitive damages, after the former president was allegedly targeted by the news organization.

On Monday, attorneys for President Trump filed a federal lawsuit in US District Court in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, citing “CNN’s campaign of dissuasion in the form of libel and slander.”

Trump claimed that CNN ran a campaign with the ultimate goal of “destroying him politically,” and that CNN was taking credit for his failure in the 2020 presidential race.

CNN “tried to tarnish… (Trump) with a succession of progressively more scandalous, false, and defamatory labels of ‘racist,’ ‘Russian lackey,’ ‘insurrectionist,’ and eventually ‘Hitler,'” the filing said.

Trump claims the network is ramping up its attacks because it “fears” he will run for president in 2024.

Source: Anadolu

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