Etidal, Telegram remove 1.9 million items of extremist online content

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RIYADH: Since collaborating on a project earlier this year, the Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology and messaging network Telegram have eliminated around 1.9 million online pieces of extremist content.

Between June 8 and July 12, an estimated 1.2 million pieces of content and links were removed.

The center, known as Etidal, has been working with Telegram to prevent and counter terrorism and violent extremism by monitoring Arabic-language internet content. Both agencies have decided to strengthen their collaboration in order to discover and remove Arabic material praising terrorism.

Media files — PDFs, videos, and audio — submitted by Telegram groups and public Telegram channels hosting the material were mentioned.

The agreement intends to protect platform users from extremist content, ideological influences, and attempts to misuse the platform for content trade.

On February 21, Etidal and Telegram announced an agreement to expand their combined efforts to address the issue.

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