Muslim preachers strongly denounce Israeli raid on Al-Aqsa Mosque

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Jakarta – The Indonesian Muslim Preachers Association (IKADI) has harshly condemned Israel’s attack on Al-Aqsa Mosque, which injured over 150 Palestinians and imprisoned hundreds more after Friday prayers.

“(We) strongly condemn the raid by Israeli colonial forces on Aqsa Mosque, which is the holy place and the first qibla for Muslims,” said Ahmad Kusyairi Suhail, Chief of IKADI Central Executive Board, in a written statement issued in Jakarta on Sunday.

IKADI also asked Israeli Zionist authorities to put an end to any raids on Muslim sacred places, notably the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and to guarantee that such incidents do not occur again.

“The Israeli Zionist government must halt all forms of violence, persecution, and slaughter against Palestinians, assure and preserve their rights to perform religious services and exercise civil rights, and allow them access to the outside world to directly monitor their condition,” he stated.

IKADI also encouraged the Indonesian government to adopt a clear stance and tangible steps to safeguard the Al-Aqsa Mosque and to put an end to the humanitarian crisis in Palestine through the United Nations (UN), the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and other international organizations.

IKADI also encouraged the government to continue pushing the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state and to put an end to Israeli colonialism of Palestine.

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