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PT Solmax Introduces Geosynthetic and Geotextile Technology for Mining Applications

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PT Solmax Geosynthetics, the largest manufacturer of geosynthetic products in the world, introduces geosynthetic and geotextile technology for mining applications.

PT Solmax Geosynthetics introduced technology including woven and nonwoven geotextile products, geogrid, geomembrane, geonet, geotube, prefabricated vertical drain (PVD) and geomembrane and GCL (Geosynthetic Clay Liner).

The product introduction was carried out during a special seminar event that focused on discussing and introducing the application of PT Solmax’s geosynthetic products in the mining sector.

The product introduction was carried out through a two-day seminar held on 11-12 July 2023 at the JADE Room, 16th Floor of the Grand Sudirman Building, Golden Tulip Hotel, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan.

The second day of the seminar, Wednesday 12 July 2023, 08.00 – 17.00 WIB specifically discussed PT Solmax’s geosynthetic products in the mining sector. The main theme of the seminar is “Geosynthetics Applications for the Development of lKN” and on the second day of the seminar the theme is “Geosynthetics Applications for Mining Infrastructure” or the application of geosynthetic products for the mining sector.

Present as speakers included Eko Budi Prasetyo, S.T, M. Ling (Young Expert Mining Inspector of DITJEN MINERBA Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources), Marcus Jong Ching Joo (Technical Services Manager of SOLMAX Geosynthetics), Norhisam Omar (Regional Business Manager (W&E Div) SOLMAX Geosynthetics), Su Jong Hao (Technical Sales Manager of SOLMAX Geosynthetics), Doyo Lujeng Dwiarso (Country Manager of PT. SOL MAX Geosynthetics Indonesia), Teuku Radenal Amir (Design Engineer PT. SOLMAX Geosynthetics Indonesia).

Sustainable Infrastructure Development Mission

Doyo Lujeng Dwiarso, as Country Manager Indonesia from PT Solmax Geosynthetic Indonesia conveyed the company’s mission in infrastructure development, namely to build infrastructure in a better way and use sustainable products (sustainable).

Through this mission, according to Doyo Lujeng, infrastructure development in Indonesia is expected to save costs, reduce processing time and reduce carbon footprint (carbon foot print).

According to Doyo Lujeng, in his presentation, Geosynthetics is a suitable product for this mission.

“As a rough illustration that GCL products with a thickness of 6 mm can replace clay with a thickness of 600 mm, so that in transporting the number of trucks used is only 1% when compared to using clay, this is why this product can reduce the carbon footprint,” Doyo Lujeng explained in his presentation.

Furthermore, Doyo Lujeng Dwiarso also said that currently geosynthetic products have been used in many mining projects on a massive scale.

Doyo Lujeng gave examples of several products that are currently widely used, for example for road reinforcement in mining, slope and wall reinforcement, impermeable layers at the bottom of tailings ponds, heap leach in mineral mining, tailings pond closures, and dewatering processes.

Mud Pool Technology

There were three keynote speakers at the seminar who specifically discussed the topic of sludge pond handling technology, namely pond bottom coating with geomembrane technology, closure with high tensile strength geotextiles and the geotube dewatering method.

Another guest speaker, Eko Budi Prasetyo, ST, M.Ling from the Junior Expert Mining Inspector of the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, delivered material “Management of Mud Material in Mining Activities According to Good Mining Engineering Principles”.

“Management of sludge material in mining activities if it does not follow good rules will result in K3 aspects such as work accidents, then TSS pollution aspects which pollute the surrounding environment, and can disrupt mining productivity,” explained Eko Budi Prasetyo.

“Geosynthetic products can be one of the items in technical studies submitted by mine owners for approval, for example in technical applications for handling sludge, stability of mine slopes and embankments around mud material and reinforcement on mud material hauling roads,” added Eko Budi Prasetyo.

Furthermore, the speakers from PT Solmax, Noorhisam Omar as Regional Business Manager Water & Environmental PT Solmax explained the process of handling sludge using the dewatering tubes method.

“The dewatering rubes method is more efficient than conventional methods. With the geotube dewatering method, the original mud which has a solids concentration of 3%-15% can be converted into 55%-75% solids concentration,” Noorhisam explained.

Noorhisam explained in detail the stages in planning and implementing the dewatering method, such as taking sludge samples from tailings ponds, then conducting sludge tests in the laboratory to determine the content in the sludge, conducting a JAR test, which is a test to determine the type of coagulant or flocculant (chemicals for the dewatering process) to be used, followed by a cone test, pillow bag test, pilot trial tube, and full scale prototype tube.

Marcus Jong representing the Technical Service Manager of PT Solmax delivered a presentation regarding the covering of tailings ponds using high tensile strength geotextiles.

According to Marcus Jong, PT Solmax has a product that is very suitable for the application of tailings pond closure technology.

“The basic reasons for the need for closing ponds are: complying with environmental regulations, preventing overflow of toxic material from ponds, preventing weakening of pond structures, preventing damage by erosion, preventing the surface of ponds from drying out in the wind so that it becomes air pollution,” Marcus Jong explained.

Next, Marcus explained the stages of closing the mud pool with high tensile strength geotextile products, namely the Mirafi PP and Mirafi PET types.

On this occasion in front of the participants, Marcus also gave examples of projects in the world that used the mud pool closing application method and used materials from Solmax production.

Meanwhile, Su Jong in his presentation conveyed the use of geomembrane products in the mining sector.

Su Jong conveyed the most basic material regarding polymer materials used to make geomembranes, namely the choice of HDPE, LLDPE & PVD materials, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages.

Furthermore, Su Jong also explained various types of geomembranes such as smooth, textured, color and conductive types.

Including the types of bottom lining of mud pools with geomembranes also described by Su Jong such as single liners or double liners as well as how to select the properties of geomembranes that are relevant for applications in mining.

At the end of his presentation, Su Jong presented a very interesting innovative product, namely the type of leak location conductive geomembrane where this product anticipates that there is a risk of a leak in the installed geomembrane, for example caused by original damage during the fabrication process, damage during the installation process, and in the stockpiling process by land.

The principle of this product, according to Su Jong, is to spread the voltage across the geomembrane in a closed network system and find out which areas the geomembrane is leaking.

The seminar was then closed with a resume from Doyo Lujeng Dwiarso by presenting a summary of the results of the seminar. Doyo Lujeng Dwiarso also said that this kind of seminar would also be continued in the coming year at a different location as part of Solmax Geosynthetics’ mission of informing technology to build infrastructure in a better way.

The seminar was then closed by drawing door prizes and taking photos with all the participants.

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