The Leadership Assembly of the Association of Muslim Scholars in Indonesia (ICMI) Muda Pusat gave a mandate to Dr. Yuli Utanto, S. Pd. M. Si, Istiqamah, S. Ag. M. Pd, Nur Khasan, S. Pd. M. M.
Agus Thohir, S. Pd. and Edi Purwanto, S. Pd. to form ICMI Muda Central Java Region on Friday, December 31, 2021 ago.
In the mandate letter states that the names mentioned above are as responsible in carrying out the Establishment of The Board of Management of icmi muda leadership of Central Java province.
Then the Mandate Letter is valid from the date set and will be declared invalid if within 2 (two) months there is no report on the establishment of the management of the Icmi Muda Leadership Assembly of Central Java Province to the Central Young ICMI Leadership Assembly.
“Thank God we insyalloh on Monday, January 3, 2020 will hold a preparatory meeting for the establishment of ICMI Muda Central Java in accordance with the mandate of the Central Board to dink ICMI Muda in Central Java Province,” said Dr. Yuli Utanto.
Yuli Utanto who is also a lecturer at one of the campuses in Semarang said that his party will carry out the mandate order as well as possible.
“We will carry out the mandate as well as possible and in the near future we will meet first until the management of the region is formed in accordance with the mandate we received from the Central Manager,” he said.
To note the Mandate Letter is contained in the Mandate Letter of the Central Young ICMI Leadership Assembly for the Period 2021-2026 with 147 / MANDATE LETTER / MP ICMI MUDA PUSAT / XII / 2021, dated December 31, 2021.