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DP MUI IV Jatim Issues Moral Appeal &Muhasabah At The Turn of the Year

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The Leadership Council of the Indonesian Ulema Council IV titled Rakorwil on Tuesday, (28/12/2021). The event was held at mui lamongan office. Present in the rakorwil among others KH. Alamul Huda Masyhur Chairman of MUI Bojonegoro, KH. Abdul Aziz Choiri Chairman of MUI Gresik, KH. Manshoer Shodiq Chairman of MUI Tuban, KH. Abdul Matin Jawahir Chairman of MUI Lamongan. Also present on rakorwil’s occasion was the administrator of each of these areas.

In the Rakorwil issued a Moral Appeal & Muhasabah the turn of the year from 2021 to 2022. As for the contents as follows.

1. Adhere to health protocols, avoid mass crowds because the Covid-19 pandemic has not been completed;

2. Be alert and alert for the emergence of new variants of Covid-19 with a complete vaccine;

3. Avoid convoys of vehicles and celebrations that invite large crowds of people with potential social conflicts, behaviors that are contrary to Islamic shari’ah and the social norms of society;

4. Invite the community, government, ormas leaders, ta’mir masjid / musholla to keep akhlakul karimah with muhasabah, dhikr bersama and istigotsah activities for the safety of the nation and state in order to avoid danger.

Ustad Moch. Imron Rosyidi, deputy secretary of MUI Kab. Bojonegoro said this call as a form of MUI social responsibility on something that we fear. “It is expected that the moral appeal and muhasabah of this friendship will be carried out by the community so as to create peace and peace,” said Ustad Imron who is also the Head of Aliyah Alrosyid Madrasah.

In the rakerwil there is also an agenda report on the activities of each district in 2021 and consolidation of 4 districts in mui management.

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