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Indonesian Delegation Presents Drug Rehabilitation at the 2023 International Recovery Summit in Malaysia

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MEDAN—Asia Metropolitan University through Emeritus Addiction Studies held the 2023 International Recovery Summit from May 8 to 11, 2023, at the Swiss Garden Hotel Melaka, Malaysia.

The event is a routine gathering of addiction professionals from around the world, and this year Malaysia hosted the activity, which was attended by 70 participants from nine countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, the United Kingdom (UK), the Philippines, Buthan, India, Nepal, Singapore, and Thailand.

In this activity, the delegation from Indonesia was Muhammad Taufik Ismail S.E., ICATS, ICAP I. He was appointed as a speaker on the last day on the best practices in rehabilitation.

Taufik, who represents the Fokus Rehabilitasi and Class IIa Pematangsiantar Prison, explained how to carry out rehabilitation in prison.

On this occasion, Taufik presented approximately 24 slides. In his presentation, he began to explain how to implement a drug rehabilitation program in prisons, starting from acceptance to termination.

Many positive responses came from many delegates, especially human rights observers.

Tay Bian How, Director Emeritus Addiction Studies, when confirmed, said that rehabilitation must be carried out according to existing standards by prioritizing human rights and using evidence-based practices.

“What friends in Indonesia have done, especially at the Pematangsiantar Class IIA Penitentiary, is quite good because it refers to international standards,” he said on Thursday (May 11, 2023).

At the same time, Taufik and the Indonesian Delegation confirmed that what was presented was what was done.

“Prison Klas IIA Pematangsiantar is committed to improving services to fulfill the rights of victims of drug abuse who are serving prison terms,” he said.

At the end of the interview, Taufik expressed his gratitude to Ka. Correctional Division of North Sumatra Kanwilkumham Mr. Rudi F Sianturi, Head of the Pematangsiantar Class IIA Penitentiary Bp. M. Phitra Jaya, Mr. Head of Yantahwat Div Pas Kanwil Kemenkumham North Sumatra, Kasie Binadik LP Class IIA Pematangsiantar Mr. Erwin Siregar, and the entire team of Rehabilitation Working Group and Rehabilitation Focus Addiction Counselor for the support and trust given.

“Thank you for the trust to represent and the opportunity to explain what we are doing together; once again, I am very grateful,” he concluded.

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