Israeli troops fire tear gas to disperse protesters along Lebanon border

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KFAR CHOUBA, Lebanon – Israeli soldiers used tear gas to disperse dozens of protestors who pelted Israeli troops with stones at the border with Lebanon on Friday, causing some Lebanese demonstrators and servicemen to have breathing problems.

The tension on the outskirts of the Lebanese border village of Kfar Chouba began earlier this week due to Israeli military excavating in territory claimed by Lebanon.

A Lebanese peasant attempted to block an Israeli bulldozer from digging a trench along the border on Wednesday. When the villagers’ legs became engulfed in sand as the bulldozer pushed forward, UN forces rushed in and convinced the driver to reverse course. Social media users shared videos of the elderly man’s legs entangled in the sand dune.

Israel concluded its 18-year occupation of southern Lebanon in May 2000, when Israeli troops left.

The protest on Friday took place on the outskirts of the Kfar Chouba hills, which Beirut claims is Lebanese territory occupied by Israel. The Kfar Chouba hills, as well as the surrounding Chebaa Farms, were conquered by Israel during the 1967 Mideast War and are now claimed by Lebanon.

On Friday, some protestors attempted to breach a barrier in a rocky region overlooking an Israeli military base. Israeli police used tear gas to disperse the protesters, who were ultimately pushed back by Lebanese troops and UN peacekeepers.

“DO NOT CROSS THE BLUE LINE,” read a banner carried by a UN peacekeeper, alluding to the line drawn following Israel’s withdrawal in 2000. There were Israeli forces and multiple vehicles in the area, including a heavily armored Merkava tank.

In the area, Lebanese troops were on high alert, and reinforcements were brought in.

According to an Israeli military statement, demonstrators attempted to damage a border barrier and threw stones at Israeli soldiers in the vicinity. According to the military, forces used “riot dispersal means,” which normally implies tear gas or stun grenades. The military stated that it “would not allow any attempt to violate Israeli sovereignty.”

Andrea Tenenti, a spokesman for the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), said peacekeepers are on the ground attempting to reduce tensions in the area.

“We have urged the parties to use our coordination mechanisms effectively to avoid misunderstandings and violations and to contribute to the area’s stability,” Tenenti added. He also stated that the UNIFIL leadership is in communication with the stakeholders in order to find a settlement.

“We urge both sides to exercise restraint and avoid actions along the blue line that may escalate tensions,” Tenenti said, according to The Associated Press.

Later, demonstrators held Friday prayers in the area before attempting to sneak back in, prompting more tear gas fire.

The tensions on Friday came a day after the leader of the United Nations peacekeeping force in Lebanon, Maj. Gen. Aroldo Lazaro, presided over a meeting with senior Lebanese and Israeli officers at the UN headquarters along the border. The general urged prudence at the border and efforts to reduce tensions.

Since Israel and Hezbollah fought a 34-day war in 2006, the Lebanon-Israel border has been mostly peaceful. Despite this, there have been disagreements.

In April, Israel launched unusual airstrikes on southern Lebanon after militants from Lebanon fired roughly three dozen rockets at Israel, injuring two persons and causing some property damage.

Source: AP

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