Monsoon rains lash India’s Kerala coast, two days ahead of usual

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NEW DELHI: India’s annual monsoon, which accounts for over 70% of the country’s rainfall, arrived two days early on the coast of southern Kerala state on Sunday (May 29), according to the state-run India Meteorological Department.

On May 13, the department predicted that monsoon rains will arrive in Kerala on May 27, and on Friday, it indicated that conditions were improving for the onset of the monsoon over Kerala in the next two to three days.

India, one of the world’s largest producers and consumers of farm goods, relies on monsoon rains to water nearly half of its irrigated farmland.

A monsoon failure could force New Delhi to import more edible oils and limit agricultural exports, raising international prices.

The government anticipated average monsoon rainfall for this year last month, sparking hopes for better farm and overall economic development in Asia’s third-largest economy.

Only after standards evaluating the consistency of rainfall over a specific geography, intensity, cloudiness, and wind speed are met does the meteorological department pronounce the advent of monsoon rains.

It defines ordinary, or normal, rainfall as falling between 96% and 104% of the 50-year average of 87cm during the June season.

Farming accounts for roughly 15% of India’s $2.7 trillion economy while supporting more than half of its 1.3 billion people.

Regular rains during the monsoon season can provide relief from the blazing heat in addition to watering farmland and replenishing aquifers and reservoirs.

Monsoon rains will increase rice output in India, the world’s largest exporter of the grain.

The unexpected decision by India to ban wheat exports generated concerns about possible restrictions on rice exports.

According to government and industry officials, India does not intend to reduce rice exports because the country has sufficient inventories and prices are stable.

Source: CNA News

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